Dream and plan Big in 2014 - 2015 : It's a special year!
THE PLANETARY POSITIONS IN 2014-2015 MAKE IT A VERY SPECIAL YEAR. Yes, not one but FOUR planets (yes, I know technically three if we take Rahu & Ketu as a group) are changing their houses. There are other reasons to rejoice!

Let's understand how and when:
From 19th June, 2014, JUPITER (GURU) is entering CANCER Sign - its sign of exaltation. So it's going to be a period of growth, expansion, abundance and prosperity.
RAHU enters VIRGO (KANYA) and KETU enters PISCES (MEENA) on 13th July, 2014. Rahu will be in friend Mercury's house while Pisces is considered to be Ketu's own house. So both these placements are good.
SATURN (SHANI) is already in its sign of exaltation till 2nd November, 2014
Now let's turn our attention to other planets:
SUN (SURYA) will be in its own sign between from 16th August, 2014 to 16th September, 2014. Sun will be in its sign of debilitation - LIBRA - from 16th October, 2014 to 16th November, 2014, BUT Saturn would be EXALTED in the SAME house till 2nd November, 2014. This will cancel the debilitation effect of theSUN! (This is called the Neech Bhanga Yoga) So the net period of debilitated Sun reduces to the period from 3rd November, 2014 to 16th November, 2014. Sun will be in its sign of exaltation from 13th April, 2015 till 14th May, 2014.
MARS (MANGAL) will be in its own sign between 5th September, 2014 to 17th October, 2014 and between 23rd March, 2015 to 3rd May, 2015. It shall be in exalted stated (UCHHA) from 27th November, 2014 to 5th January, 2014.
VENUS (SHUKRA) will be in own sign from 19th October, 2014 to 12th November, 2014 (this will also lessen the debilitation effect of Sun to quite some extent) and in its sign of exaltation from 28th April, 2015 to 23rd May, 2015.
Of course, care will have to be taken regarding Mercury going retrograde from time to time and the changing phases of the Moon.
But as seen above, the transits of major planets indicate a very good - excellent period for all around progress, prosperity and growth. This could mean new business to some of you, new job to others, promotion, marriage, success in love affairs, child birth, freedom from some chronic disease, freedom from years of suffering and so on. It depends upon the planetary positions in YOUR OWN BIRTHCHART (KUNDLI). Matching the two only would give you the exact period and areas of changes in your lives.