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At last Jupiter (Guru) is leaving Leo (Simha rashi) sign and entering Virgo (Kanya) on 11th August, 2016 and shall remain there for the next thirteen months. Phew – this should come as a relief to many – especially since the dreaded Guru Chandal yoga i.e. Jupiter-North Node (Rahu) conjunction finally ends! Of course, Jupiter is entering its enemy sign – Virgo; still, the effects would not be so very severe.

Let us see how this transit will affect your sign.

ARIES (मेष): It’s not going to be a very favourable period for you. You may feel as if Lady Luck is not on your side. Unnecessary expenditure will rise. Health will not be good; you need to take care of your digestive system. You are likely to become lethargic and even put on some weight. You may also be accused of some wrong doing. The eligible may have to wait for some more time for their marriage. However, financial stability is possible if you remain careful. Hard work and efforts shall be rewarded. Those in Government jobs are likely to be promoted. You may be transferred to a far off place or even abroad. You shall gain from foreign lands. Keep away from arguments, illegal and unethical activities and litigation matters. Try to settle your problems amicably.


Do not take any loans. Keep away from arguments, illegal and unethical activities and litigation matters. Try to settle your problems amicably. Take care of your liver and pancreas. Keep away from rich, heavy and spicy food. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar will help you ward off health problems.

TAURUS (वृषभ): This marks a very auspicious period for you. You shall witness all round growth and expansion. Your personal charisma and confidence will increase. Intellectual and logical capabilities will enhance. You shall win debates and competitions. Sudden gains are likely. Some long awaited wish is likely to be fulfilled this year. This is also a very good time for eligible to get married. Many may be blessed with the birth of a child. This is also a very favourable time for students especially those studying law and humanities. Many may be drawn towards spiritual studies. Change of residence is very probable. Those in creative fields, theatre, films, etc. will earn tremendous name and wealth. It is also a very good time for planning long term investments till the end of this year. Health will remain good.


Keep in mind that your luck will fructify only after you have made consistent efforts for the same! Regular meditation and yoga will only help in enhancing your inner strength and power. Do not accept anything free.

GEMINI (मिथुन): This is an excellent period for investing in properties. You may spend on purchase of vehicles, ornaments, luxury items, etc. On personal front, time is good for those wanting to get married. Those living in joint family may decide to move out and live in a nuclear family. Marital and family life will be harmonious. Those passing through a rough patch should not rush for a divorce; be patient, things are likely to improve if you handle problems with patience and equanimity. Differences could crop up with mother or maternal relations. Property disputes will be settled after some preliminary problems. You shall see progress in your professional life. Time is favourable to change your career/job or place of work. Your efforts and perseverance will earn you lots of recognition and appreciation. Those in media and law related careers will benefit the most.


Be kind and respectful towards ladies. Donate pulses and lentils at religious places.

CANCER (कर्क): This will be a mixed period for you. Unanticipated expenditures will trouble you. Your mind will remain clouded at times. However, your communication will improve, confidence will rise and your convincing power will be more effective. Your social circle will increase; friends will offer you moral support. There shall be religious functions at home; your brother or sister could get married. Eligible ones will start receiving suitable marriage proposals for themselves. Some of you may enter into business with your siblings or cousins. Disputes may arise with brothers over family property. Short distance business and religious trips will be successful. You shall get chances to shape your own destiny through your unwavering and dedicated efforts. Many of you may develop new hobbies and interests. Marriage is also on the cards.


Be careful when on the road or while driving. Accidents are likely. Avoid misunderstandings and arguments with your siblings. Distribute sweets and fruits to little girls.

LEO (सिंह): You shall witness sudden improvement in financial status. Income and bank balance will rise. You may even gain from some inheritance. Those in family business and tours and travels will benefit a lot. However keep away from extravagant spending. Family issues will be resolved, debts will be cleared and health will improve. You shall be able to recover bad debts. You would emerge as a wiser and happier person. You shall become more organized. You may develop taste for rich heavy foods. Take care of your health. Avoid over indulgence. There shall be occasions of celebration in domestic life. Family will expand; there can be a childbirth in the family. Be careful while making investments; particularly when purchasing property. Trivial issues may trouble you; be patient and hopeful. Things will work out in the end.


If there are any potholes or pits in front of your house, get them filled as soon as possible. Welcome guests at home and entertain them well.

VIRGO (कन्या): Be prepared – challenging times ahead! You will need to be lot more patient and composed to face the new situations in your life. A more philosophical approach will be very helpful. Chances are very high that you may be transferred or may have to relocate to a far off place, even abroad. Petty issues may trouble you; but the time is right to develop strong mental resolve. You may experience sleeplessness and increase in body weight. Muscular pains and eye-related problems may trouble you. Stomach may remain bloated. There is positive news too. Your will power will become stronger. Financial status will improve. There shall be auspicious occasions such as marriage or childbirth. Family life will be happy and satisfying. You could purchase a new house or property. Promotion is likely for those in service.


Don’t ignore minor health issues. Light a lamp every evening and meditate on it – even if for two minutes. It will help you a lot.

LIBRA (तुला): Times can be difficult; but keeping ego aside and adopting a philosophical approach will make it easier for you to face adverse situations. Pessimism and laziness will increase. Confidence levels are likely to fall. Health will be below average. You may suffer from insomnia or trouble sleep. Yoga and meditation are now must for you if you want to maintain good health. Expenses will rise – more so for philanthropic, religious or spiritual purposes. You may be tempted to buy things which you don’t need – control wasteful expenditures. Travel only if you must. Try to maintain cordial relations with your seniors and superiors. Blessings from mother will ward off many problems. You shall be able to pay off your pending debts and loans. Chances of going abroad are very bright. Things will improve after January 2017.


Be careful when on the road or while driving. Apply yellow tilak (of turmeric or saffron) on your forehead.

SCORPIO (वृश्चिक): You shall see a very favourable and profitable period. Financial position will improve with an increase in earnings. New sources of income will open up. The disappointing phase of past 2-3 years is over. Success will come easily. You shall experience domestic happiness and concord. You shall receive some cheerful news relating to your children. There shall be some auspicious occasion in the family. You may plan a long journey to some holy place. Some long awaited desire may be fulfilled. Candidates will be successful in competitive exams. You may invest in immovable properties and gold. The eligible may get married in the next 13 months. Keep away from immoral or illegal ways of earning money. Try to maintain good relations with your brothers/sisters. Networking with friends will prove profitable.


Keep away from intoxicating drinks and non-vegetarian food. Wear gold on your body.

SAGITTARIUS (धनु): This will be a tough yet gainful period for you. New job opportunities or promotion and greater responsibilities are seen. You will have to put in tremendous efforts even for small gains. But your hard work will definitely show results – even if late - in form of extra perks and public recognition. You shall be in the limelight. Work related travel is not ruled out. Expenditures will rise. Don’t lose faith in yourself. Domestic problems and disturbances will be a cause of mental stress. Health will remain poor; weak digestive system and fluctuating sugar levels may trouble you. You will have to maintain discipline in every aspect of your life. Renovation of residence or purchase of new house/property/vehicle is possible. Time is favourable for students. Marriage and childbirth is likely for the eligible.


Apply saffron/turmeric tilak on forehead. Clean your nose before beginning any work.

CAPRICORN (मकर): This is going to be a period of all round happiness. Lady luck smiles on you! The horizons of your mind will expand and open up to gain the blessings of the Universe. You shall be full of confidence and enthusiasm. You shall receive recognition, assistance and appreciation from all quarters. Important and prominent people will come to your help. You shall get opportunities to travel abroad for education or career purposes. You shall benefit from interaction with people from different cultural backgrounds. Students opting for higher studies may gain scholarships. This is the right time to learn a new language or a new branch of knowledge or skills. Purchase of property or residence is also indicated. Marital life will be happy. Those in love may get married.


Keep away from new investments or business. Abstain from consuming alcohol.

AQUARIUS (कुम्भ): This is not a good transit for you. Health will deteriorate. You need to take care of your liver and stomach. Unnecessary travelling and wasteful expenditures will tire and trouble you. Failures, delays, litigation matters, defamation, unexpected expenses, etc. may disappoint you. Be patient and composed – only this will help you solve your problems. Be very careful in money matters. Do not trust anyone blindly. Don’t be lured by ‘get rich quick’ schemes. Chances of being cheated by new friends are high. Do not resign from you current job/work until and unless another one is assured. Sudden gain through inheritance is not ruled out though. Time is not favourable for investments in property or real estate. Change of residence or transfer to a new place is likely.


Instead of taking your own decisions, it would be wise to seek advice from elders and experienced persons. Donate yellow colored sweets and clothes to needy on Thursdays.


PISCES (मीन): This is a happy period for you. Financial prosperity through partnership and new business is indicated. Your social circle will widen and you will gain professional success through it. You shall gain new contracts and business will expand. Long awaited wishes will be fulfilled. Those looking for a new job will get a good one. Marital life will be very satisfactory. Your spouse will pamper you with love, happiness and support. Child birth is also possible. You may go on a pilgrimage or for a foreign tour. Some of you may even decide to settle down abroad. Time is excellent for students too. Interest in spiritual activities will increase. You shall be happy and successful. Your weight is also likely to increase. It is advisable to keep away from heavy, fried food.


Wear gold and keep a yellow kerchief/cloth with you always. Keep away from sadhus and faqirs.


Enabling you to use the Ancient Knowledge of Vedic Astrology in improving your Personality, your Career, your Relationships, your Health, your Love/Married life, your Children, ....., every aspect of your DAILY LIFE.


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