SO here are the summarized predictions for all signs for the year 2017:

You shall face difficult times in the first half of the year; benefits shall surface in 2nd half. Good fortune will smile on you in last quarter; there will be a wish fulfillment You are advised to continue in your present career/employment, howsoever bad the situation – at least till September. Times are tough but patience and hard work will bring success. Businessmen may face slump in profits and customers. Those in media and politics will have a tough time. However promotions, recognition and rewards shall come in by the year end. Family life will not be very cordial; avoid arguments and confrontations. You may have to live away from your family. Eligible people will get good marriage offers by year end. Anger, depression and overindulgence may take a toll on your health. Be watchful of your diet. Long distance and overseas journeys are likely. There may be a shift in your beliefs and attitude this year.
Advice: Don’t be rash and impulsive. Keep away from new investments and speculations till September.

The year may start with some good news. Favorable times will continue till August; thereafter, it may be a testing period for many. Obstacles will come; but you will be able to overcome them with your confidence and dare devilry. Some life altering changes/events are likely to occur this year. This is a good period for those interested in spiritual/religious advancements. Financially, it’s a good year. Work load is likely to increase; don’t take stress. Those in employment may face some issues with their seniors. Those in media and communication will progress. Businessmen may see fluctuations in their business; they need to plan strategies well. You may face problems in conjugal life. There shall be delay in getting married. Utilize this time to develop strong relationships. Avoid misunderstandings with family members. Take good care of mother’s health. Change of residence is likely. This is a good time to learn new skills. Foreign travel is likely in the second half of the year.
Advice: Take care of your joints and digestive system. Avoid new investments after September. Keep away from all kinds of illegal and unethical work.

2017 is likely to prove very fruitful for you – especially the second half of the year. The employed will have to face some tough times at work place; though there shall be plenty of job openings for the unemployed. Nevertheless, you will get opportunities to showcase your aptitude and competence. There might be some fluctuations in business. Use your excellent negotiation skills to get your work done successfully. Strong strategies and persuasive negotiations are likely to get you new clients and business, even from abroad. An additional source of income can open up. You may inherit some wealth or legacy. Prospects for marriage are good in the first half of the year. The last two months could prove to be a turning period for you. You may have to travel frequently for work. You are likely to shift to a bigger place or purchase an additional property. No major health issues are seen.
Advice: Maintain your cool at workplace; don't take decisions in haste. Make efforts to be more active and motivated. Mind your language.

This year will start sluggishly but as it progresses, you will get ample opportunities to improve your career and financial status. You may have to face tough times in your career. Those already employed should not think of quitting their jobs. Those in media, communication, teaching, consultancy professions are likely to benefit in second half of year. You may have to face some misunderstandings and challenges in your relationships. Try to maintain cordial relations with your spouse; avoid arguments. Beginning of the year is not very good for relationships; though in the later half, relations with friends and family will improve. There may be an auspicious occasion or celebration at home. Health will improve; though at times, you may be mentally stressed and in a confused state of mind. Ayurveda and natural therapies will work best for you. You may find it difficult to arrive at a decision; it is better to take some expert advice in such cases. You will have to travel frequently – both for work and religious purposes.
Advice: Avoid getting entangled in litigation. Control your unnecessary expenditures. Keep away from office politics and conspiracies.

2017 will prove to be a positive year for you. Dreams will come true and desires will be fulfilled; though some obstacles will trouble you now and then. Career will definitely improve with perks, promotions and recognition coming in as bonus. Freelancers and self-employed professionals will have a field day. Those looking for new jobs may have to wait for some time. Contacts will increase. Businessmen may sign new contracts. You shall be able to recover lost money. New romantic interests will develop. This is the right time to improve your relationships with people. Auspicious occasions at home will keep you happy. Singles will enter into new relationships; eligible may decide to get married. A change of residence is also likely. Health will improve this year. You can take off some time to rest and rejuvenate yourself. You may develop interest in spirituality. There are strong chances of going abroad.
Advice: Don’t let your ego spoil things for you. Avoid unnecessary expenditures. Invest only after taking expert advice. Be careful on the road.

2017 is likely to be a favourable year for you bringing in sudden gains and profits – especially after September. Expenses will rise, so will your earnings. The employed will get new opportunities to prove their talents and worth. Your confidence and energy levels will rise. Mid-year is a good time to start some new venture. This is a good time for eligible to get married. You may propose to someone you have known for quite some time. Harmony will prevail in home and family life; though there could be some issues related to children. Relationship with father will improve. You may have to shift residence temporarily. This is not a good period to purchase a new house. Health will improve. Avoid stress and keep a watch over what you eat. If suffering from a long term ailment, you will come across its cure. Students may find difficult focusing on their studies.
Advice: Get rid of all clutter in your life. Keep away from arguments and confrontations. Don’t let your ego spoil things for you.

This is the year for change and new happenings. Destiny has been preparing you for this phase since quite some time now. As the year progresses, your career graph will rise. Obstacles and problems in professional life will now start easing out. New projects will take off/move forward. The promotion that was long overdue will finally become a reality. Financial status will improve. This is the period to reap the harvest of your past good deeds. This is the ripe time to change your personality; you will now emerge a more mature and stronger person. Lawyers, politicians, social workers and artists will progress remarkably. Students will excel in their studies. You will now need to give more time and attention to your children. There shall be some auspicious occasions and celebrations at home. The eligible can get married in the second half. Short term travels will prove beneficial and auspicious. You shall now be more inclined towards mysticism and spirituality.
Advice: Do not neglect your family in pursuit of personal goals. Seek expert advice before taking major decisions related to finance.

You will experience some relief and relaxation in the first half of the year. Work load and responsibilities will rise; you will get opportunities to implement new creative concepts. Avoid shortcuts and unethical ways of getting tasks done. It is advisable to stick to your old job instead of looking out for new one. Friends and siblings shall be instrumental in bringing in new business proposals. It is very important that all your taxes, debts are paid and other social commitments are fulfilled before time to avoid any legal hassles. Try to settle issues amicably – especially in matters related to property/family assets. It is a good time to sell your property and then buy a new one. This is not a very good year for love and marriage. Rude behavior and uncivil language can spoil relations. Unwanted issues and occasional clashes can disturb domestic peace. You may suffer from some digestion related issues or infections; it would be better to avoid junk food.
Advice: Beware of conspiracies and false allegations being charged against you. Keep away from all kinds of illegitimate and illegal works.

You have been thinking and planning a lot since the past two and a half years. 2017 is the time to implement your ideas and strategies. You shall see some major changes this year. Stress and tension will persist; but this time around, you will be able to find a way out by your persistent efforts and support from near and dear ones. You will get opportunities to prove your aptitude; career will progress slowly and steadily. The unemployed will get a new job. Partnership business will be fruitful. Those in the professions related to education, counseling, real estate or politics will progress well. You may renovate your current house or purchase a new one. Domestic life will be pleasant. Problems with your spouse will now be resolved. Love life will improve after September. Physical health and stamina will improve. Accidents and injuries are likely; so be careful. Short term travels related to work are possible.
Advice: Take care of your mother’s health. Don’t be egoistic and mind your language. Don’t take any decision in a hurry.

2017 will be a very eventful and auspicious year for you. Many of you may see windfall gains. Your intuitive and creative skills will help you take the right decision at the right time. Career will progress and reach new heights, particularly in the first half of the year. Businessmen shall see results in the second half of the year. Financial position will be satisfactory; you may have to spend on some big celebration or incident in the family. It is a good time to learn new skills and sharpen your talents. You will be able to clear off your old debts. This is a favourable time to buy property. Change of place is also likely. You will get quality time to spend with your family. Relations with father will improve. Social life will improve. Love life will be eventful. A new relationship or marriage is on the cards towards the end of the year. Work related travels will prove beneficial.
Advice: Do not stand as a guarantor for anyone. Keep away from arguments – especially with your subordinates. Do not ignore your health.

This will be a favourable year for you. You will see unprecedented success in your career; more so if you are in a profession which is connected to the masses. Promotions, recognition and rewards are in the offing. Do not change jobs before September. Self-confidence will rise and you will be able to take good financial decisions. Time is right for those wanting to start their own ventures. This is a particularly a good phase for politicians. Incomes and profits will increase; but avoid all investments till September. Friends and siblings will be very helpful and supportive. Domestic issues will be resolved. Travelling with family will prove rejuvenating. The eligible may get engaged or married. Health could pose problems with minor issues like blood pressure, digestive problems, back pain, injuries etc. troubling you. There are also some chances of you being cheated by someone. Students appearing for competitive exams or opting for higher studies will succeed.
Advice: Try to settle all past disputes and issues. Avoid arguing. Keep your valuables and documents safe.

This is the year to be more active and less talkative. Your self-confidence and esteem will rise. Financial status will be good. Those looking for a job will find one. But do not leave your existing job unless you have found a better one. Your career ambitions will be fulfilled, albeit you will have to overcome some tough competitions. Those in media or public service will have a successful year. Business related travels will be successful. There shall be family gatherings for some celebrations like marriage, child birth or such auspicious occasions. Time is good for marriage till September. Many may be blessed with birth of a child. The married may have to face some rough patches in their conjugal life. You may purchase some property or a vehicle or some items of luxury for your home. You will feel active and energetic. Those suffering from some joint problems will now get some relief/cure. Some legal hassles might trouble you.
Advice: Taking guidance from experienced elders will prove very helpful. Time management will become essential to manage the excessive work pressures.
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