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Saturn transits to Scorpio - Time for Changes

On 2nd November, 2014, Saturn leaves Libra and moves to Scorpio. It will remain there till 25th October, 2017.

SATURN is a slow moving planet. It represents maturity, determination, discipline, balance, patience, caution, endurance and lots of hard work. It is the 'Servant'. It is the lord of DEATH. MARS - the ruler of Scorpio - is aggressive, hot tempered, energetic, impulsive and rash. It represents disputes, competitions, quickness, aggression. It is the 'Warrior'.It is the lord of BLOOD.

SCORPIO is the sign of secrecy, hidden things, occult, getting to the roots, research, revenge and most of all it represents TRANSFORMATION and REGENERATION.

So when Saturn leaves its exalted position in Libra and moves to Scorpio, expect CHANGES! Scorpio also represents Death and Saturn is the Yama God (God of Death). Now when the lord of Death moves to the House of Death, it shall mean death of old things, habits and relations - then shall come Rebirth and Renewal. This transit will end many old things and mark new beginnings or a new way of thinking or form new relations.

Saturn is a strict taskmaster. In Scorpio, it will become very intense. It will make you revert back to your inner self. It will force you to face your own fears and insecurites. Surely, this will involve lots of pain and suffering. But by the end of the transit, you would be a transformed person. You will rise again like the Phoenix.

Let’s see how this transit will affect different signs:

(These are general predictions based on your Moon signs; they are also applicable for your Sun signs. Predictions may vary depending upon the positions of other planets in your Kundli, your ongoing Mahadasha / Antardasha, etc. Hence if you wish to get personalised predictions, you may click here. The Charges for personalised 'SATURN IN SCORPIO' REPORT IS Rs. 1500/-)

Aries (Mesha):

Saturn is transiting in your eighth house. No doubt, you shall be relieved from marital tensions. Misunderstandings with partner will be sorted. But your professional life will suffer the most. You shall be humiliated at work. You may not get the desired promotion. Infact, there are chances of you losing your job as well as reputation. You are advised to be patient and not resign. Friends will desert you. Finances will be strained. You may have to face taxation issues. You may suffer from health problems related to sex organs, digestion, piles, fractures, etc. Surgical operations may go wrong. There are chances of loss by theft, calamities or fraud. You may gain by inheritance or succession. You may be attracted towards occult sciences. Be patient. Do not start anything new. Keep away from speculation.

Taurus (Vrishabha):

There shall be tensions in married life. You may get married in this transit; but you may have problems adjusting with your partner. You will have to become more responsible if you want to be happy in your marriage. Compromise is your only option to save your conjugal life. Partnerships will suffer and even break down. You may be transferred to a far off place; you may travel abroad for business. This is a powerful time for professional life. All your past efforts will yield good results. All your undertakings will be successful. This is also a good time for those studying Law or related to Judiciary. You shall become more philosophical in this period. Take care of your stomach. Overall, this is a good period for you.

Gemini (Mithuna):

This is a favourable transit for you – the period of Vipreeta Raja Yoga. Hard work and persistent efforts will yield good results. Things will move slowly but steadily towards success. Your reputation and status will improve. Those involved in counseling, healing, computers, medicine, insurance, etc. will benefit a lot. You shall gain unexpectedly from your maternal side. You may be awarded financial compensation in a court case. Students will succeed in competitive exams. Health will improve. But you will have to take care of your teeth, bones and digestion. You shall be deprived of sleep due to extra workload. Keep away from unnecessary disputes. There may be a job change or transfer to a place which will not be of your liking. Beware of accidents. Pay your loan instalments on time.

Cancer (Karka):

This is going to be a challenging period for you. You will suffer from anxiety, frustration and lack of focus. Your thinking would be clouded. You are likely to take wrong decisions; so it is advisable that you take counsel of some experienced and knowledgeable person before arriving at a conclusion. Students would find it difficult to concentrate on studies. You shall face disappointments and separation in love. However love affair will an elderly or a very young person will flourish. You shall have problems concerning children. There may be problems in conception. If already having children, they will give you a difficult time. They won’t listen to you. You may have to move away from family and children. Money will be spent on wasteful expenses. However, there is a possiblity of gain from inlaws. You may suffer from body pains. Keep away from speculation and gambling.

Leo (Simha):

This is the not-so-auspicious transit of Shani Dhaiyya for you. Financial and health problems shall increase – so shall your rivals. Take decisions only after much thought and contemplation; else, you may suffer from financial losses. Talent will go unrecognized. Reputation will suffer. Workload will increase. You shall experience lack of peace and happiness. Stress can lead to health problems. Take care of heart related issues. You need to slow down and be patient. Meditation will help you a lot. Change of residence is likely; but you will not be able to get one of your likings. You may have to carry out repairs at home too. Mother’s health will be a cause of worry. Avoid arguments with her. Students shall face disturbances in education. But your married life will be good. Those working from home will benefit.

Virgo (Kanya):

Phew! What a relief! Finally your Sade Sati is over. Happy days are here again. You shall see all around progress and happiness. Financial problems will disappear. You shall acquire new property, vehicles and assets. Your communication will improve. Hard work will bring your astounding success. You will get recognition. This is also a good time to start new ventures. Your good judgement will give you profits in speculation. Many of you may get married or have children. Students will be able to pursue higher studies successfully. You shall feel energetic. But extra workload will deprive you of sleep and relaxation. Hence healthy diet and regular exercise is a must along with meditation. Avoid long distance travels as much as possible. You may have problems with your neighbours. Be more patient with them and avoid confrontation as far as possible.

Libra (Tula):

Now starts the last phase of Sade Sati for you. You have really suffered a lot since past 5 years. The intensity may decrease a wee bit; but do not expect much respite from your troubles. Problems at workplace will start reducing. However, financial problems will continue. You will have to work very hard and keep a control over your expenses. Don’t block your money in bad investments. Money will not be easy to come by. You will have to be particularly careful of your speech. Avoid being rude. You may land in trouble due to your Vaani Dosha. Avoid conflicts with your seniors. Family problems will start sorting out. You may have to stay away from your family and home. You may face eating disorders, dental and backache problems. Also, be careful to avoid accidents and injuries. Take care of your mother’s health. Students will have a tough time.

Scorpio (Vrishchika):

You are now in the midst of Sade Sati – the most intense period. You will become lethargic, introverted and listless. You will become reserved and depressed. Nothing would interest you. Your prestige will suffer. Your own people will not understand your worth; though, you will gain popularity with the masses. Health will suffer the most. You may have problems related to bones, backache, body ache, etc. Physical and psychological problems will bother you. You may have to be hospitalized. Marital relations will be strained; this is the worst time for love affairs. Friends will desert you. However, your parents will be the pillars of support for you. You shall be falsely accused for blunders committed by others. You will face lack of cooperation in your work are. However, DO NOT think of quitting your job. If you HAVE TO, start some consultancy work. Do not start any new ventures. Take up small projects at a time. Keep away from alcohol and speculation. Students will not be able to concentrate on their studies.

Sagittarius (Dhanu):

Your Sade Sati begins now. Be prepared for tough times ahead. You may have to face heavy unforeseen expenditures, losses, wasteful efforts, lack of sleep and rest. Sexual life will be disturbed. You will suffer from mental anguish and shall not be able to take good decisions. Relations with your father or siblings will be strained. Others shall cheat you. Friends will break your trust. You may be transferred to a far off place, even abroad. This is the time to resort to spiritualism and meditation. This is also the time to review your past and your inner self. Important things of life will come to an end. You need to take care of your health. Avoid stress, eat healthy food and meditate (a must). Take care of your eyes and digestion. Keep away from alcohol and drugs. Students shall not be able to focus on their studies due to mental stress and poor health.

Capricorn (Makara):

You shall benefit the most from this transit. Multiple sources of income will open up. Financial status will greatly improve. There will be an encouraging changes in your career. This is the appropriate time to start a new venture. Your reputation will increase due to your own diligence and hard work. Your self-confidence will astonish people. All your desires shall be fulfilled. You shall purchase property, vehicles and luxurious items. Health will improve. Your earlier health problems will disappear. Many of you may get married. There shall be many auspicious celebrations at home. Family and friends shall support you. You shall go abroad for business or pleasure. Those who are in business of art, beauty, music, etc. shall prosper. Students will perform well and shall get admission in desired courses/institutions. However, this is not a good period for conception of a child. Keep away from extra marital affairs. This is an exceedingly prosperous and happy period for you. Make the most of it.

Aquarius (Kumbha):

This transit shall largely affect your professional life. You shall face many problems in your work place. At first, everything will seem all right. Slowly the troubles will start surfacing. There will be lots of backbiting and character assassination by your colleagues. You may have to suffer from humiliation and loss of status. You may even have to lose your job. You may have to work away from the comforts of home. Do not rely on friends for help. Mental anguish and stress shall trouble you. You may suffer from gastritis, headaches and digestion problems. Income will rise, but expenses would rise even more. You will face problems in your love affairs and marital life too. However, you may be blessed with the birth of a child also. You will need to be very patient and humbled in this period. Students’ attention shall be diverted away from studies.

Pisces (Meena):

You shall be now relieved from the troubles of Ashtama Shani. There shall be constraints and delays, but you shall not face scarcity of funds. Income will increase; so will expenditures. People will envy you. Keep yourself away from immoral or illegal activities; else, you shall face severe problems. You may purchase some old property. You can also inherit paternal property. You will now have to think more realistically. You shall become philosophical and spiritual. You will find it difficult to maintain good relations with your near and dear ones. However, your marital life will be blissful. This is a good time for romance; some of you may get married. Some of you may plan to shift abroad. Students may go abroad for higher education. Your health will recover and now you will be more confident and clear about your goals. However, guard against headaches, weakness and poor blood circulation.


Enabling you to use the Ancient Knowledge of Vedic Astrology in improving your Personality, your Career, your Relationships, your Health, your Love/Married life, your Children, ....., every aspect of your DAILY LIFE.


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