The position and strength of Venus in your birth chart has an answer to this question. If Venus is placed in your fourth house or is exalted, then you will surely own a car or cars. Similarly if the fourth lord is well placed/is exalted/is aspected by Venus or benefic planets, then too you shall own a car/vehicle. The position and aspects of Rahu, Mars and Eighth lord too need to be considered before purchasing a car.
So, you are ready to purchase a car?

Choosing which color car should you purchase is a very emotional and personal decision. But at the same time, we must remember that colors do have an impact on our lives. There is surely no harm if you choose a color which is favorable and in sync to you.
First, let’s understand the color therapy related to vehicles.
You need to keep some things in mind:
White colored cars are least accident prone and also have fewer breakdowns. But it surely is a high maintenance car. Just keep in mind to use the best glasses in your car.
Preferably avoid sky blue colored cars; otherwise you shall be regularly visiting the garages! There will always be something or the other to be repaired/changed – howsoever small.
Purchase a red color car ONLY if you have enough patience and time. Yes, there are two reasons for this. Firstly, this car is going to require a lot of pampering. Secondly, when in a red car, you shall be prone to drive fast or rashly. Be sure you shall be issued many speeding tickets!
Be a bit cautious while purchasing a gray coloured car. If it runs well and gives no problems for the first six months, then it will never ever trouble you. It will be yours for keeps! However, if you experience any kind of problems – even personal ones such as fall in health, mental stress, etc. then sell it immediately. It is not suitable for you.
Keep away from brown colored cars – always. This color is favorable to very few people.
Below is a list of lucky colors for cars to be purchased by various signs:

Caution: These are general results. Do get your horoscope analyzed for best results.